
What is this?

First of all, let me be clear: this is a draft! I am still revising this, and it's not done to my satisfaction as of yet. So yeah, if you see anything that seems like it's an error or something that needs fixing, please let me know so I can address it.

There are parts of the original I have shifted, most importantly: the charge. In the original, Crowley has:

Hear me, and make all Spirits subject unto Me; so that every Spirit of the Firmament and of the Ether: upon the Earth and under the Earth, on dry land and in the water; of Whirling Air, and of rushing Fire, and every Spell and Scourge of God may be obedient unto Me.

In the commentary, it becomes clear that by having mastery over all elements and all things, one can (this is my off-the-cuff recap, could be very wrong) achieve communion with your divine, higher nature because you both have the exact same power and dominion. I have opted for a different approach. The translation is as follows:

Come ye, arrive, appear, give unto me the mystical marriage of the pentagram and the hexagram.

Anyway, if you have any comments, please let me know.


Section 0: Preparation

First step, before anything else: prepare the ritual space. Crowley suggests doing this astrally, but I intend to do the entire ritual physically, at least for a while until it is ingrained enough to work astrally. Crowley suggests that you be "armed with Wand and Cup," and that you may invoke Hadit by "wine and strange drugs" if you so will. It may be interesting to craft small pillars and place objects representing the sephirah in each quarter such that you, at the center, are at Tiphareth.

In practice, I have yet to do any of that; I simply draw the Pentagrams, make the signs, and say the words. I think with this kind of transformational work, repetition is more important than one great and explosive effort.

Anyway, once you have everything assembled, perform VANSAX followed by OL OM CICLE.

Section A: Proclamation

  1. ZIR ALGLA CAS IAIDA SOBA IAOD IPAM OD UL IPAMIS — I invoke the one who is the Highest whose beginning is not nor end cannot be.
  2. ILS EO CAOSG OD PIRIPSOL — Thou make the earth and heaven.
  3. ILS EO BASGIM OD DOSIG — Thou make day and night.
  4. ILS EO OLPIRT OD GEH RLV OLPIRT — Thou make light and thou art to make light non-existent
  5. GEH IAIDA, CASARMA CORDZIZ IPVRAN — Thou art the highest, whom humanity cannot see
  6. GEH IAOD GEH ULS — Thou art the beginning and the end.
  7. NONCF OMAX CAS OIAD OD CAS GE OIAD — You knowest who is of the just and who is not of the just.
  8. NONCF EO OLLOR A OLONTAX — You make man with man’s twin star.
  9. ILS BRIN DLUGAM TIA HANDA OD VANGLOR — O thou hast given unto us seed of God and fruit of heaven.
  10. OD NONCF PRAS OD POILP VANSAMPLE — And you unite and divide the fabric of stars.
  11. SOLPETH BI-EN. NONCF BRIN DLUGAM CICLE QAA PAMBT LAP ZIRDO NOCO OD HOATH IAIDA — Hearken unto my voice. You have given the mysteries of your creation unto me for I am the servant and the true worshiper of the highest.
  12. DLUGA PAMBT VBRAH SOBA DOOAIN I ADPHAHT CAS L PAMBT — Give unto me the one guardian star, whose name is unspeakable, who is one unto me.

Section B: Air

Move from the center of the circle to the Eastern part of it. Upon arrival, make the active spirit invoking pentagram, rend the veil, make the invoking air pentagram, perform the sign of Shu.

  1. VLCININ GIGIPAH DE ADIN OD OMAX LAIAD OD SOBA ORNO I VE — Happy is he, living breath of the sun of God from the divine, and knowest the secrets of truth, and whose divine visitation is the spark of life.
  2. NIIS FA ZAMRAN DLUGA PAMBT ARISSO DE O OD NO — Come ye, arrive, appear, give unto me the mystical marriage of the pentagram and the hexagram.

Section C: Fire

Move counterclockwise from East to South. Upon arrival, make the invoking fire pentagram, and perform the sign of Thaum-Aesh-Neith.

  1. ADIN BAHAL, BAHAL, AVAVAGO AR SAPAH RLV TOFGLO, CRIP NAGEL — The sun of God from the divine, cry aloud, cry aloud, thunders of increase that the mighty sounds make into non-existence all things, but the Lord of Hosts is self-begotten.
  2. NIIS FA ZAMRAN DLUGA PAMBT ARISSO DE O OD NO — Come ye, arrive, appear, give unto me the mystical marriage of the pentagram and the hexagram.

Section D: Water

Move counterclockwise from South to West, performing Sign of the Enterer when passing through the East. Upon arrival, make the invoking water pentagram, perform the sign of Auramoth.

  1. ZIR CARNAT: SOLPETH BI-EN — I invoke the Lord: hearken unto my voice.
  2. PII GAM CASARM PILZIN CHIS GEDOTBAR: PII SALMAN KAPENE. PI PRAS A DONKNA CASARM MOZOD I GEDOTBAR. PII MICAOLI OD PI EO ZIRN — She is the watery loins unto whom the firmament of waters are begotten: she is the house, therefore the house is holy. She unites with the sun of God unto whom the joy of God is begotten. She is mighty and she makes wonders.
  3. NIIS FA ZAMRAN DLUGA PAMBT ARISSO DE O OD NO — Come ye, arrive, appear, give unto me the mystical marriage of the pentagram and the hexagram.

Section E: Earth

Move counterclockwise from West to North, performing Sign of the Enterer when passing through the East. Upon arrival, cast into it the correct sigil from the Tabula Recensa, make the passive spirit invoking pentagram, rend the veil, make the invoking earth pentagram, perform the sign of Set Fighting.

  1. CAOSG I LIMLAL OROCHA, ALDON, OECRIMI DS TEMPA — The earth is his treasure underneath you, they gathered together, singing praises that the exception of death is life.
  2. NIIS FA ZAMRAN DLUGA PAMBT ARISSO DE O OD NO — Come ye, arrive, appear, give unto me the mystical marriage of the pentagram and the hexagram.

Section F: Spirit

Continue counterclockwise from North to East. Return to the center of the circle and face East. Perform the invoking spirit active pentagram, rend the veil, perform the signs of LVX.

  1. BOLP ASCO: ORO IBAH AOZPI, MPH ARSL GAIOL, OIP TEAA PDOCE, MOR DIAL HCTGA — Be thou this god: he who cries aloud in the place of desolation; he who is the first true creator, the horned one; he whose name is unchanged from what it was; he who burns up iniquity without equal.
  2. BOLP ENAI VORS AOIVEAE — Be thou the lord of the stars.
  3. BOLP ENAI VORS CAOSGA — Be thou the lord over the earth.
  4. BOLP ENAI, BOXPOR ZIXLAI OZONGON — Be thou the lord bringing fear to stir up the manifold winds.
  5. BOLP ENAI, FAAIP EO TOFGLO — Be thou the lord, your voice making all things.
  6. GEH NO CASARM DOH AX, PRAC ZIR TA AHAH. GEH GIGIPAH PAMBT, VBRAH PANPIR A ZIR BAGLE NONCF OD OL NOALN O OD NO — Thou art the hexagram unto whom holy fire surround, dwell in me as inmost god. Thou art living breaths unto me, guardian star pouring down in me for you are I become the pentagram and the hexagram.
  7. ZACAR OD ZAMRAN FA PAMBT — Move and appear, arrive unto me.
  8. NONCF TORZU A ZIR, TORZU, GEH ASPAH ZIR MICMA — You arise in me, arise, thou art the infinity within I behold.

Section G: Attainment

Whenever I performed the Headless Rite in the past (which is not the same as Liber Samekh, which is still new to me), this is the part where I would adopt the identity of the Headless One, as best as I could. Instead of the Headless One, adopt the identity of the Enochian God. From that perspective, state the following:

  1. ZIRDO ALIDA IAIDA. ZIRENAIAD — I am one in name with the highest. I am the Lord Your God.
  2. ZIRDO MECASMAN OD OZIEN MA ARDOX — I am the highest soul and my hands possess fire of dissolution.
  3. ZIRDO VAOAN CAS RLV TOL CAS GE OIAD — I am truth who is making into non-existence all who is not of the just.
  4. OL CORAXO OD DLUGA PADGZE — I made thunders of judgment and wrath and give justice from divine power without defect.
  5. OL OADRIAX ZLIDA CAOSGA CA HANDA ADGT NOALN VANGLOR — I made the lower heavens to water the earth, therefore the seed of God can become the fruit of heaven.
  6. ZIRDO SOBA OOAOAN CHIS IALPIRGAH PIRIPSOL — I am whose eyes are god-flames in the brightness of heavens.
  7. OL TOFGLO OD QUASB TOFGLO — I make all things and destroy all things.
  8. ZIR MA MONASCI: GAHOACHMA — I possess the great name: I Am That I Am.
  9. ZIR PHAMAH PAMBT ARISSO DE O OD NO — I give unto me the mystical marriage of the pentagram and the hexagram.

Section H: Proclamation of Union

At 38, allow yourself to feel the union between your Holy Guardian Angel and yourself. Let it fill you.

  1. OIT AISRO ANANAEL OD ONEDON DE CONISBRA — This is the promise of the secret wisdom and completion of the work of man.

Section I: Returning

Finally, let yourself slowly readopt your normal magical identity and persona.

  1. ILS CAS PAMBT, ZIR LEL TA NONCF. GEMEGANZA. O thou who is unto me, I am the same as you. Thy will be done.